Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Spend a Little Now, Save a Lot Later--Routine Home Maintenance Tips

As healthcare costs rise, more and more people are talking about the benefits of preventative health care—exercise, healthy diet, etc. The same applies to your home; the better you maintain it, the less likely you are to have a surprise catastrophic event.  Here’s a list of things in your home that should be checked at least twice a year (unless otherwise noted) to keep things working the way they should:

 1.     Inspect water hoses on washing machine, dishwasher, and refrigerator icemaker for cracks. 
 2.     Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace batteries when necessary. Have working fire extinguishers accessible.
 3.     Have furnace, water heater, and air conditioning serviced yearly.
 4.     Drain water heater. This helps to clear any build up that may impede your water heater from functioning as it should—it should also extend its life!
 5.     Clear any debris from gutters and drainpipes. This is especially important in areas with freezing winter temperatures. You don't want an expensive repair and water (or ice!) damage to your home.
 6.     Clean humidifier and dehumidifier.
 7.     Clean fireplace and chimney. Have chimney inspected every few years or if you notice loose mortar or missing bricks.
 8.     Clean air filters and vents in your air conditioner, dryer, heating system, and fans.
 9.     Check foundation and basement for dampness or cracking.
 10.  Clean refrigerator/freezer coils, and make sure both seal properly.
 11. In addition to regularly clearing lint from your dryer’s lint catcher, scrub the lint catcher with warm soap and water a few times a year. Fabric softener makes your clothes feel soft and smell nice, but it builds up over time. An easy way to test this is to run water over your lint catcher—if it doesn’t drain through quickly, you’ve got buildup.
 12.  Clean your home regularly. Not only will this make things run more smoothly and make it a more pleasant place to live, you're more likely to notice things that need some attention.

    While this is far from an exhaustive list, here's a start. I'll add things as I think of them, and please feel  free to comment and add your own!